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There are 3 levels of difficulties
Climb from rope to rope, holding onto the ropes or gripping the higher balls while using your feet to grip the lower balls and support your weight. participants may utilize the swinging motion to complete the obstacle courses. This course requires participants to utilize both upper and lower body strength and the skill of “swinging” to complete.
Challenging the flying bar requires strong physical upper body strength and muscle coordination. The 1st step is to grab onto the Flying Bar using a switch grip, and the next step is to generate momentum by kicking your legs up in front of you, but stay in control, so that the bar doesn’t come out of the cradle. While on the forward upswing, pull yourself forward, while holding on the bar, and let the momentum carry you to the next cradle. .
The Wingnuts are a Ninja Warrior obstacle, where the competitors hang from a ledge in the shape of a wingnut and must swing sidewards to jump to and grab the next ledge.
The Wingnuts require precise timing and an excellent feeling for how strong to swing and when to release.
Mastering the Wingnuts is all about releasing at the right moment. You want to release at the perfect launching point when your momentum is up and sidewards. So, don’t release too early or at the apex of your swinging motion.
The reception where participants administrate registration before entering the obstacle courses. Toilets, shower facilities and changing rooms are available at the venue.
The kiosk where there are snacks, drinks, and gloves provided for sale.
Resting and Locker room where participants can come in-door to take a break.